Belief exemptions from immunization and screening

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Criteria for requiring newborn screening A CHILD compilation
Connecticut repeals religious exemption from mandatory vaccinations of children in schools and childcare centers 4/28/2021
Bill allowing broader vaccination opt-outs could be dangerous, expensive for Kentucky 3/26/2021
Maine voters uphold law eliminating religious & philosophical exemptions for required vaccinations 3/4/2020
California limits vaccine medical exemptions 9/9/2019
Maine repeals non-medical exemptions from immunizations
Vermont vaccine policy 9/26/2017
California governor signs strict law requiring vaccinations for most kids 6/30/2015
New AMA policy favors ending nonmedical vaccine exemptions 6/8/2015
Vermont Says No to the Anti-Vaccine Movement 5/29/2015
Anti-vaccine movement creates tension in Jewish community 8/28/2014
How Many People Aren’t Vaccinating Their Kids in Your State? 2/17/2014
CHILD letter to Des Moines Register on Iowa vaccine exemptions 2/16/2014
Many disease outbreaks tied to belief exemptions
The case for vaccines, an open letter to state legislators
What the world’s religions teach
Outbreak fears rise with exemptions from childhood immunizations 1/9/2013
“Moyers & Company” Video story: Moyers asks if exemptions are fair to all 2/24/2012
High Court rejects challenge to vaccine law; CHILD filed amicus briefs supporting the law 11/11/2011
Failure to vaccinate costs states money 4/29/2011
Court gives authority for child’s medical care to the parent without religious beliefs against immunizations 1/26/2011
Vaccine-preventable deaths in Philadelphia
Public funding upheld for anti-vaccine philosophy
West Virginia immunization law upheld; religious exemption not constitutionally mandated
Iowa lets parents refuse health screenings
Health official recounts Christian Science measles outbreak
Vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks from belief exemptions
Living with polio
Iowa religious exemption to lead screening
Foster child deprived of vaccines on religious grounds
Aborted fetal tissue used in some vaccines
Vaccine-preventable disease among Amish
Measles, tetanus, polio among religious objectors
No First Amendment right to exemption from screening
Rubella outbreak among religious objectors
Iowa measles outbreak

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