Legislative Action
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Victory in Tennessee 4/14/2016
Victory in Oregon
CHILD member helps stymie Christian Science bill in Massachusetts
Competing bills on religious exemptions both fail in Wisconsin
Maryland legislature rejects attempt to create religious exemptions
CAPTA reauthorized but not improved
Christian Science religious defense bill dies in Massachusetts
Christian Science lobbying in Wisconsin for homicide defense
Nebraska maintains metabolic screening law
Nebraska, the shining star
Nebraska rejects religious exemption again
Psychiatrist hopeful on Maine laws
Defeat in Iowa again
Maryland repeals another religious exemption
Utah regulates private boarding schools
Maine narrows exemption laws
Victory in Rhode Island
Other ’04 legislative work
New Mexico passes bio-terrorism bill without religious exemptions
CHILD wins some, loses some in Iowa legislative session
Texas and Arkansas expand immunization exemptions
CHILD gets improvements in Missouri’s version of Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Nebraska adopts best newborn screening in nation
Scientology seek exemption from newborn screening laws