
The following links to articles in our newsletters will open in a new window.  Simply close the window to return to this page and to select another article.  Also, many of these link to the front page of CHILD’s newsletters, but the article you click on may not be on the newsletter’s first page.  In that case, find the article in the Table of Contents on the front and scroll to the appropriate page number.

Grisly murders thought to be due to fringe religious beliefs 6/19/2020
Texas pastor guilty in fatal exorcism of toddler 3/23/2018
Church response to witchcraft allegations 2/8/2018
Ghana vows to unshackle mentally ill 10/16/2017
Fundamentalist belief in demonic possession has real-life dangers 3/12/2015
(For more details on the Arkansas exorcism story, see “Casting Out Demons” and other articles in the Arkansas Times.) 3/12/2015

A rapid literature review of evidence on child abuse linked to faith or belief-Publications-GOV.UK 10/24/2012
CHILD letter to U.S. Secretary of State 2/24/2012
UK children abused for witchcraft] 1/17/2012
Exorcism in the churches and the courts
Laura Schubert Pearson: on a journey to empowerment and understanding
Baby starved to exorcise demons
Belief in demons causes harm
African children accused of witchcraft
Parents charged in fatal beating, claim boy was demon-possessed
Faith Temple minister sentenced in boy’s exorcism death
Wisconsin minister charged in exorcism death

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